Grounding in your purpose to strategically grow your grassroots and increase its impact for long-term sustainability.
About this Event
This workshop is for young leaders (ages 18-29) with youth-serving programs based in Toronto (or the surrounding area's).
Join us on Saturday, August 8th at 12:00pm for a workshop exploring how to strategically grow your grassroots for long-term sustainability.
In this 2 hour workshop, Jonathan John will use his experience working in youth development and founding his organization, Youth Rising Above, to explore the successful strategies that he has used to sustainably grow his projects and meaningfully increase their impact while expanding their financial supporters.
This workshop will highlight the importance of grassroots organizations in community development and overall client care for marginalized populations; with specific emphasis of the journey these organizations can take towards maintaining a culture if ongoing development towards highly effective and impactful services.
We will also cover practical ways to remain nimble as an organization while still maintaining integrity towards the overall mission and vision. Participants will also discuss ways to develop intrinsic organization motives that will help produce transformative positive social change
Jonathan will explore:
- Tools to understand your passion, purpose, and principles as tools for expanding impact and supporters
- How to move beyond the grant funding limitations to have sustainable programming?
- What are the pieces groups need to put into place internally to ensure the purpose and impact sustains?
- How to understand and build your plan for sustainable growth?
- What are the benefits of sustaining grassroots models while growing?
- Understanding when it is the best time for grassroots groups to incorporate or apply for a charitable number
The Trustee Hub will continue to provide trainings to support you in building a strong foundation for your work to have maximum impact during this Pandemic and beyond.
*Note: Priority will be given to SSCH Trusteed groups and other Youth grassroots group leads. If there are more spaces, others will be invited.
Event and Registration Info:
- Registration for this session will close Friday, August 7, 2020 by 3pm EST
- Bring Paper and pencil on standby for an activity
Facilitator Bio:
Jonathan has over a decade of leadership experience working in youth development programs and has developed a strong passion and desire towards serving underprivileged and marginalized young populations. He believes remarkable results can be achieved when underserved populations are provided meaningful, supportive and life changing programming opportunities. Jonathan also believes in the importance of collaborative community support and has a keen interest in engaging with stakeholders across a variety of sectors.